Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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the Holy Spirit reveals sin

It is 2:44 PM Thursday afternoon here in West Michigan. It is a very hot humid day once again. It has been predicted to be cooler tomorrow. I really need to mow our lawn tomorrow. Lately either it has been too hot to mow or I have been too sick to mow. Tomorrow I will have to mow no matter how I feel or if it is too hot.

I got up this morning after 8 o'clock AM. I did not want to get up but I realized I could not lay in bed all day. So I got up to face whatever the Lord had prepared for me for this day. When I came upstairs I found Carol dressed to go volunteer at the Friends of the Library Used Books Sale, she was once again going to help/cashier. I ate breakfast and wrote in my paper diary. Carol and I had devotions and prayed. She left for the library around 9:20 AM.

While Carol was gone I filmed a brief video for my Youtube channel. I read some of my Reformation Commentary on John 13-21/still in chapter 17 of the Gospel of John. As I was reading I got sleepy so I dozed till Carol got home.

I have not felt good so I have been laying down in the lower level because I feel sick. I am taking my meds and I think they make me feel sick. But maybe I would feel worse if I was to stop taking my meds?

Right now Carol is taking a nap. All I hear is the buzzing in my left ear/tinnitus. I feel sick. I suppose I will close to feel sick and seek healing. It scares me to think I will feel this way all the rest of my days. It is a blessing to feel normal. I sometimes find myself envious of people who must feel normal or at least I think they are feeling normal. I suppose everyone has their troubles/burdens they must bear/carry to their graves.

neighborhood walk

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