Anyway I got up this morning feeling bad so I immediately took my pills Paroxetine and Xanax. I decided not to give into my black state but to go about normal things so I took a hot shower and then took a morning walk. I left to volunteer at our local library books store The Book Nook around 9:35 AM and had a normal shrift. The store was not busy so I read from my pocket New Testament The Gospel of Mark. I bought a couple of Art Books at the Book Nook-
'Cezanne Portraits' John Elderfield National Portrait Gallery, London
'Painted Prayers: The Book Of Hours In Medieval And Renaissance Art' Roger S. Wieck
When I got home I found Carol sitting in the dining room. She had prepared a meal to take a family in her church that just had a baby. I ate lunch and took some Xanax around 3 o'clock PM. I then decided to go down in the lower level turn on classical music real low and doze instead of struggling with insane thoughts.
Now it is 6:45 PM in the evening. Carol is in her room/book room messing around. I should read something. The book I attempted to read besides The Gospel of Mark was from a book titled, 'Hidden & Revealed: The Doctrine of God in the Reformed & Eastern Orthodox Traditions' By Dmytro Bintsarovskyi. Lately it is hard to find the right books to read in this present state of mental illness. I just remembered in I did get in the mail today a new book, "Dominus IIuminatio Mea" Commentary On The Davidic Psalms' Volume II Psalms 26-50 By Denis The Carthusian Translation & Introduction by Andrew M. Greenwell.
So not much else to report. I did cancel my dentist appointment due to being ill. I suppose I will close to read my Reformation Commentary on the Gospel of John 13-21 this evening. Carol and I will have our evening prayer time. So many people need our prayers.