Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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shake the dust off your feet

It is 9:44 AM Thursday morning on a cold, damp, gray ugly day. It feels like late Autumn this morning. Maybe the world is entering another Ice Age? Maybe the earth will never experience another Spring Season?

I got up this morning around 6:38 AM. When I got up Carol was getting ready to leave the house to go out into the world to meet someone for a meal. She left soon after I got out of bed. She is still out in the world someplace probably talking to someone who is not listening to her. People generally are trapped in their selves.

I have mainly spent the morning writing in my paper diary and reading from a book titled, 'The Life Of Jesus Christ' Part One Volume 2, Chapters 41-92 by Ludolph Of Saxony Translated By Milton T. Walsh.

It is 9:50 AM Carol just got home from being out in the dead American world. She told me she when she was walking in that she dropped off a load of stuff at the Gateway Center Holland Rescue Mission. We now got to drive over to Gateway and unload the van of shit. I do not know how many loads I will have to take to Gateway to get the lower level library free dehauled throw the books into a bottomless fiery pit.

Last night I mainly read till my bedtime the novel 'Wolf' by Jim Harrison. This novel 'Wolf' has become one of my all time favorite novels.

Well, I suppose I should close to find out what Carol wants to do next in this icy cold death flow.

American Goldfinch
american goldfinch

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