I got up this morning around 7:30 AM. When I got up Carol was in the dining room messing with her cell phone. I got myself a glass of cold water and sat in the living room seeking to come to grips with existence in a world suffering from a world wide deadly COVID-19 plague.
After I woke up somewhat I ate breakfast, wrote in my paper diary and read from a book titled, 'Incarnational Humanism: A Philosophy Of Culture For The Church In The World' by Jens Zimmermann.
Carol spent the morning doing yard work. She left earlier to do a good deed. So goes by existence. It is now 12 o'clock Noon in the death flow. I plan to do nothing today but wait for Time to go by.
Last night we watched the second installment of the Hemingway documentary on PBS. Carol did not watch the whole episode, but when to bed around 8:50 PM. I watched the whole segment and read late into the night from a book that was delivered by Amazon yesterday titled, 'Philip Roth: The Biography' by Blake Bailey. I also received along with this book on the life and time of Philip Roth a book titled, 'The Golden Age of the American Essay 1945-1970 Edited by Phillip Lopate.
I suppose there is nothing else to report this afternoon. I will close to drift.