Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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the knowledge of our own misery is the broad highway to beatitude

It is 12:39 PM Monday afternoon here in West Michigan. It is another cold gray ugly late Winter day. It has been predicted to get warmer this week, but right now it is bitter cold outside.

I got up this morning around 6:15 AM. When I got up I found my wife sitting in usual place reading. I got myself a glass of water and sat in my chair seeking to wake up to another day of life in this wicked sinful world. Next I made fresh pot of coffee and messed with our main computer. Carol cooked us eggs with toast for breakfast. After breakfast Carol and I had devotions and prayed. Carol left to go grocery shopping and I read from a book titled, 'The Life of Jesus Christ' Part One, Volume 1, Chapter 1-40 by Ludolph of Saxony and wrote in my paper diary.

When Carol got home I was outside feeding the birds. I helped carry in the groceries and then we had lunch. After lunch I wrote some more in my paper diary and read from a book titled, 'The Hermitage Within' by A Monk. So has gone by existence.

There is not much else to report since my life is radically simple. I am just living as close to the Lord as possible in this fallen world. Carol is the kitchen cooking this afternoon. She plans to take a nap soon. I might also take a nap this afternoon.

Last night I read late into the night from a book titled, 'The Life of Jesus Christ' Part One, Volume 1, Chapter 1-40 by Ludolph of Saxony. Yesterday afternoon there was delivered a book titled, 'The Life of Jesus Christ' Part Two, Volume 1, Chapters 1-57' by Ludolph of Saxony.

I got out these books to look at this week from the lower level library-

'The Theology Of History In Saint Bonaventure' by Joseph Ratzinger Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

'Spiritual Friendship' by Aelred Of Rievaulx Translated by Mary Eugenia Laker SSND

'Mirror Of Charity' by Aelred Of Rievaulx Translated by Elizabeth Connor, OCSO

'Aelred Of Rievaulx The Liturgical Sermons: The First Clairvaux Collection Advent-All Saints' Translated by Theodore Berkeley, OCSO & M. Basil Pennington, OCSO

I will close to read and meditate. This is the last Monday of February 2021.

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