Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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the blessed duties of repentance

It is 1:54 PM Friday afternoon on a cold sunny day here in West Michigan. It is a blessing to see blue sky and not be insane like Trump.

Carol left this afternoon to meet friends for a chat fest. I have been writing in my paper diary and reading from these books-

'Jan van Ruusbroec, Mystical Theologian Of The Trinity' by Rik Van Nieuwenhove

'Late Medieval Mysticism Of The Low Countries' [The Classics Of Western Spirituality]

'The Spiritual Writings of Denis the Carthusian' Translated into English by Ide M. Ni Riain

This morning I left the house around 10 o'clock AM to fill my very old Dodge van with gas and then on the way home visit a thrift store to search for used books to add to our library. I found these used books today-

'Spiritual Direction: Wisdom for the Long Walk of Faith' by Henri J. M. Neuwen

'The Shape of Water' a crime novel by Andrea Camilleri Translated by Stephen Sartarelli

'If I Die In A Combat Zone Box Me Up And Ship Me Home' a novel by Tim O'Brien

'Memories of a Marriage' a novel by Louis Begley

'Stay of Execution: a sort of memoir' by Stewart Alsop

'Three Days In January-Dwight Eisenhower's Final Mission' by Bret Baier

I also got in the mail today these two used books-

'Jan van Ruusbroec, Mystical Theologian Of The Trinity' by Rik Van Nieuwenhove

'L.A. Confidential' a crime novel by James Ellroy

This morning I got up late and had a normal morning. Carol was already done with her morning devotions when I got up. I fixed myself breakfast while Carol took her morning walk. After breakfast I wrote in my paper diary and read from a book titled, 'A Radical Comprehensive Call to Holiness' by Joel R. Beeke & Michael P. V. Barrett.

Last night I filmed a video for my Youtube channel and watched a PBS Mystery with my wife. After my wife went to bed I messed with our main computer and read, 'Mailman' a novel by J. Robert Lennon.

Now I am in the afternoon hours. I will close to read from a book titled, 'Angelic Spirituality: Medieval Perspectives On The Way Of Angels' [The Classics Of Western Spirituality].

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