Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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prayer is a golden chain that reaches from heaven to earth

It is 4:07 PM late Sunday afternoon here in West Michigan. It is another warm sunny afternoon.

I got up this morning around 7:47 AM. I spent the morning writing in my paper diary and reading Anthony Burgess Sermons on Chapter 17 of the Gospel of John. At Noon I turned the television on to watch profession football. I just turned off the TV so as to update my online diaries before it gets dark outside and we come to the end of another day of existence. It is a new week and we are coming faster and faster to the Year 2020.

Today while watching professional football I have been reading, 'Nothing To Be Frightened Of' A Memoir by Julian Barnes. I collect the works of Julian Barnes. Here is a list of the books we have by Julian Barnes in our library-

'The Sense of an Ending' A Novel by Julian Barnes

'A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters' A Novel by Julian Barnes

'Talking It Over' A Novel by Julian Barnes

'Metroland' A Novel by Julian Barnes

'The Lemon Table' Stories by Julian Barnes

'England. England' A Novel by Julian Barnes

'Flaubert's Parrot' A Novel by Julian Barnes

'Pulse' Stories by Julian Barnes

'Arthur & George' A Novel by Julian Barnes

I need to read more of the works of Julian Barnes. All Barnes novels look interesting and would be not a waste of time reading.

So this day has gone by. My wife leaves for Covenant PCA soon for evening worship. Her church now starts at 5 o'clock PM instead of 6 o'clock PM. My wife said church was not full this morning. Due to the COVID-19 plague people are not attending church services or their churches are shut down. Our children have not attended church for months due to the COVID-19 plague. Here where we live Carol's church is one of the few churches that have remained open for worship during this deadly plague. Carol wears her mask and keeps social distancing while worshiping the Lord God. I told Carol today that due to the upsurge of COVID-19 deaths I might not leave the house for awhile.

Well I close to wait for night fall. It is a new week and I am praying America accepts Biden as our next President.

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