Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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the unknown god whom the Gods may remember

It is 3:53 PM Saturday late afternoon in the death flow. Right now the sun is shining and it is warm outside. There is a breeze blowing through the environment.

The troops left this morning for a field trip up North and they should be marching in anytime. We babysat today Cora and Marika.

There is not much to report right now. It would take too many words to describe last night's Carol's Retirement Party. I think everyone had a nice time. There was plenty of food and as I looked around folks were talking. The kids played in the rain and ran around screaming. We left around 8:30 PM in a rain storm. There was flash flooding due to the heavy down pour of rain. When we all got home we put away the food that was left over from the Party and then went to bed.

The troops left for their field trip around 9 o'clock AM. Caleb, Emily, Hannah, and Josiah stayed here and went for a walk someplace. They left Cora and Marika with us and picked them up around 3 o'clock PM. (We also watched Ollie Caleb's dog while they were off walking someplace.)

All I have attempted to read today is from the book, 'The Book of Disquiet' By Fernando Pessoa. I did get a book in the mail today titled, 'Growing In Grace' Edited By Joel R. Beeke.

Today is our daughter Beth's birthday, she is 36 years old. Our son Josiah's birthday is in August and he will be 38. And Caleb our oldest is 39 years old. I will be 68 years old this coming August.

Well I am blown out of the water so I will close to wait for the troops to come screaming in.

Cora & Marika
Cora & Marika

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