I have had thus far a normal day. It would be a sin to complain. Carol works tonight so right now she is sleeping. I have been drifting through the day basically writing in my paper diary and reading from these two books, 'Max Eastman: A Life' by Christoph Irmscher and 'Out of Step: An Unquiet Life in the 20th Century' memoir by Sidney Hook.
I got up this morning around 7 o'clock AM and immediately got dressed and took Ollie for a walk. When we got back from our walk I ate breakfast and wrote in my paper diary. After writing in my diary I messed with our main computer. After messing our main computer I sat doing nothing and then decided to read 'Out of Step' by Hook.
Carol and I did rake our front yard this morning. Nothing else really going on. I have to take Ollie for his afternoon walk sometime soon. I am basically dead to the world today.
Last night I watched some Monday football and read, 'Max Eastman: A Life' by Christoph Irmscher. I went to bed around 10:25 PM last night.
In the mail this afternoon I received a book titled, 'Pages From The Goncourt Journals' Edmond And Jules De Goncourt Edited, translated, and with an introduction by Robert Baldick.
Well I will close to feel absolutely wasted. There is no way out.