I am tired as usual this afternoon. This morning when I got up around 6:45 AM Carol and I decided to go out for breakfast and then afterwards go grocery shopping. So we were out the door early this morning and did not get home till 9:10 AM.
I left to volunteer at the local library used books store The Book Nook around 9:40 AM and got home around 1:22 PM. The Book Nook was not busy today so I basically read 'The Journals of John Cheever' and looked at the used books I bought today at the Book Nook. Here is a list of the used books I brought home today from the Book Nook-
'Selected Poems' Conrad Aiken With A New Foreword By Harold Bloom
'Fearful Symmetry: A Study of William Blake' by Northrop Frye
'Edwin Arlington Robinson: The Life of Poetry' by Louis O. Coxe
'Robert Penn Warren' Literary Study by Katherine Snipes
'Blake's Poetry and Designs' [Norton Critical Edition] Edited By Mary Lynn Johnson & John E. Grant
'A History of Modern Poetry: Modernism and After' Vol. 2 by David Perkins
'Robert Penn Warren' [Modern Critical Views] Edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom
'The Hidden Law: The Poetry of W.H. Auden' by Anthony Hecht
'Understanding Boris Pasternak' by Larissa Rodova
When I got home from the Book Nook Carol went to bed to take a nap. Carol is sick with a sore throat. I am going to close to drift. I slept poorly the last couple of nights. Last night I watched professional football on mute and read 'Prisoner Of Love' memoir by Jean Genet. Carol went to bed early and I went to bed around 10:30 PM. Our lives are quickly fading away.