Cornelius Burges: A Chain of Graces Rutherford: Trial & Triumph of Faith Ralph Erskine: A Short Paraphrase of the Lamentation of Jeremiah
Naphtali Press: Anthology of Presbyterian & Reformed Literature Volume 3 Number 2 Spring 1990
Henderson: Communion at Leuchars Boyd on Predestination David Hay Fleming: Discipline of the Reformation Timothy Dwight: The Harvest Past
Naphtali Press: Anthology of Presbyterian & Reformed Literature Volume 3 Number 3 Summer 1990
Calerwood: Reasons Against Festival Days Boyd on Predestination George Wishart by Mitchell Samuel Miller: Nature & Effects of the Stage David Hay Fleming: Disciple of the Reformation
Naphtali Press: Anthology of Presbyterian & Reformed Literature Volume 3 Number 4 Fall 1990
M'Crie: The Role of the Civil Magistrate in Religion Discretionary Power of the Church by Girardeau Reading, Writing, & Hearing by Durham Of the Passion of Christ in Gethsemane by Robert Rollock
Naphtali Press: Anthology of Presbyterian & Reformed Literature Volume 4 bound edition Edited by Christopher Coldwell 1991
Naphtali Press: Anthology of Presbyterian & Reformed Literature Volume 5 bound edition Edited by Christopher Coldwell 1992