Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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a perfect day

It is 1:03 PM Tuesday afternoon here in the Dead Zone. It is warm sunny late Spring day. My wife reminded me this morning in a month all our children will be home with their families. It will be good to see the Keen family all together around the table once again. Our son Josiah lives in Washington with his wife Hannah and their baby girl Marika. Our daughter Beth lives in Colorado with her husband Andy and their three children Lou, Marn, and baby Jack. Our oldest son Caleb lives down the street from us with his wife Emily and their two girls Josie and Cora.

Carol just got home from visiting her friend Pam who just turned 94 years old. Carol works the next two nights so she will sleep this afternoon. Right now Carol is baking cookies for her church.

This morning I got up around 5:50 AM. I got up messed with our main computer and then wrote in my paper diary. After writing in my paper diary I read 'Romans 1-8' New Testament VII Reformation Commentary On Scripture. It this commentary I am on Romans chapter 1 verse 24, "Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness in the lusts of their hearts to dishonor their bodies among themselves."

Carol and I went grocery shopping this morning. When we got back we put away the groceries and then I left to visit thrift stores I had not visited in a couple of weeks. I found these used books this morning to ADD to our family library-

'The Ring Of Brightest Angels Around Heaven: A Novella And Stories' by Rick Moody

'A Field Guide To The Atmosphere' Vincent J. Schaefer/John A. Day

'The Demon and the Angel: Searching for the Source of Artistic Inspiration' by Edward Hirsch

'Eating: A Memoir' by Jason Epstein

'Hell's Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga' by Hunter S. Thompson

'God's Funeral' non-fiction by A. N. Wilson

'South' American history by B.C. Hall & C.T. Wood

'Arcadia' a novel by Jim Crace

'Bernard Shaw: His Life and Personality' biography by Hesketh Pearson

I got home from running around Noon and ate lunch. I wrote in my paper diary, cleaned the kitchen and then cataloged the used books I bought this morning into my LibraryThing site. So has gone by existence.

I will close to visit with my wife before she goes to bed. Existence is speeding by!

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