Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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all human beings are in their totality sinful

It is 1:35 PM Saturday afternoon in the death flow. It is a cold cloudy partly sunny afternoon here in the Waste Land.

I have a normal day, nothing to complain about. Time keeps going by. I got up this morning around 6:15 AM. I got up had a bowl of oatmeal and made a fresh pot of coffee. I ate my oatmeal messing with our main computer. After messing with our main computer I wrote in my paper diary, I read some of my massive commentary on The Epistle to the Romans by Richard N. Longenecker, and made a video for my Booktube channel.

Carol called from the Denver Airport around 11:10 AM our time. She made safely to Denver and is now with our daughter Beth and her family for five days.

After talking to Carol on the phone I left the house to get some food and while out I visited one thrift store. At this thrift store I found one used book titled, 'The Means of Escape: Stories' by Penelope Fitzgerald With Two New Stories and an essay by A.S. Byatt.

When I got home from my errands there was on our telephone answering machine a message from our oldest son Caleb inviting me over for dinner this evening (they live just down the street). So I will go down the street around 4 o'clock to hang out with Caleb, Emily, Josie, and Cora.

Tomorrow starts another week. Next week we will be entering the Spring of 2019.

I won't go into last night, because I am tired. I will close to drift.

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