Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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March Mammoth Update #3

March Mammoth Update #3

'Merry Men' A novel by Carolyn Chute

'The Epistle to the Romans' [The New International Greek Testament Commentary] by Richard N. Longenecker

'Becoming the Gospel: Paul, Participation, and Mission' by Michael J. Gorman

'Early Christian Mission-Jesus And The Twelve' Volume One by Eckhard J. Schnabel

'Early Christian Mission-Paul And The Early Church' Volume Two by Eckhard J. Schnabel

'Community Formation in the Early Church and in the Church Today' Richard N. Longenecker, Editor (read in this book Chapter 5 by Richard N. Longenecker 'Paul's Vision of the Church and Community Formation in His Major Missionary Letters' )

'The Apostle Paul and the Christian Life: Ethical and Missional Implications of the New Perspective' Edited by Scot McKnight and Joseph B. Modica (read in this book chapter 5 essay by Timothy G. Gomis 'Participation in the New Creation People of God in Christ by the Spirit')

"But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation" Gal. 6:14,15
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