Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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the epic of Eden

It is 2:52 PM Friday afternoon. Existence keeps flowing by. Outside this afternoon it is cloudy and cold. I just got my financial statement and my account lost $4,000.00 dollars in one month! Easy come and easy go. We are in the last days of the American Empire. America is headed for a total financial ruin. Soon there will be a Civil War going on in America between the Trump forces of white supremacy and those who love justice for all/the civic good of all Americans.

I got up this morning around 6:30 AM. Carol was already up when I got up this morning. I ate breakfast and we went grocery shopping. When we got home from food gathering it was 8:20 AM.

I left for the Freedom Village Holiday Bazaar at 8:40 AM. At the Bazaar I went to look at their used books and found these used books to comfort me when we are in the Poor House or killed by white guys screaming Trump for Antichrist!

'The Bridge on the Drina' a novel by Ivo Andric Translated from the Serbo-Croat by Lovett F. Edwards

'The Collected Stories Of Wallace Stegner'

'Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy' biography by Eric Metaxas

'Moby-Dick' a novel by Herman Melville Second Norton Critical Edition

'A Month In The Country' a novel by J. L. Carr

'Selected Stories' by Andre Dubus

'The Epic Of Eden: A Christian Entry into the Old Testament' by Sandra L. Richter

'Dostoevsky-The Miraculous Years, 1865-1871' biography by Joseph Frank

'The Creation of the American Republic 1776-1787' American history by Gordon S. Wood

I left the Freedom Village Holiday Bazaar around 9:40 AM for the library used books store The Book Nook where I volunteer at Mondays and Fridays from 10 o'clock AM till 1 o'clock PM. At the Book Nook it was slow so I read and was home this afternoon by 1:15 PM. I got these used books at the Book Nook today for our library-

'The Man in the Flying Lawn Chair and other excursions and observations' by George Plimpton

'The Greenwich Village Reader: Fiction, Poetry, And Reminiscences, 1872-2002' Edited By June Skinner Sawyers

'Readings: Essays and Literary Entertainments' by Michael Dirda

'Tests of Time: Essays' by William H. Gass

'Due Considerations: Essays and Criticism' by John Updike

At the Book Nook today I mainly read, 'The Greenwich Village Reader: Fiction, Poetry, And Reminiscences, 1872-2002' Edited By June Skinner Sawyers.

Well it is now in the death flow 3:15 PM I will close to count our pennies and load our guns for the final showdown.

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