Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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Woven Hand - As Wool

And it came to pass...
and in the mean while
in the heaven black
go again...back 7 times
behold the stone with 7 eyes
a little cloud rises from the sea
the multitude arose and led him unto thee
unto you an able bodied seaman
the olive...the king of trees

Ahab got up on his horse an rode
but the hand was on the man
Elijah the Lord is God
girded up his belt and ran

There surely is...for silver a source
a place for the all a gold that they refine
iron is taken from the dust
and from the firm stone brass
an end hath he set to darkness
and to all perfection he does search
search a stone of darkness
a stone of death-shade

Ahab got up his horse rode
but the Word was on the man
Elijah the Lord is God
girded up his belt and ran
ran ahead and before the horse
to where the Lord has sewn of course

Best dressed whiter than snow
the hair of His head
whiter than wool
His throne it is aflame with fire
and all its wheels ablaze

The covenant you made with death
it will be annulled
your agreement your treaty with the grave
it will not stand
the overwhelming scourge
shall pass right through
and ye shall be trodden down
trodden down to the ground

Ahab got up his horse rode
but the hand was on the man
Elijah the Lord is God
girded up his belt and ran
ran ahead and before the horse
to where the Lord has sewn of course
Elijah hear your name...the Lord is God

Best dressed whiter than snow
the hair of His head
whiter than wool
His throne it was aflame with fire
and all its wheels
and all its wheels ablaze
A river of flowing fire
coming out from before Him
Pa win ta ya akicita

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