This evening I have been reading, 'Dissident Gardens' a novel by Jonathan Lethem. I have been reading this novel all afternoon. I did doze this afternoon for an hour, but mainly I have been wandering the house and reading 'Dissident Gardens'. When Carol got home from Covenant PCA it was around 1 o'clock PM. She took a nap this afternoon and got up around 4:30 PM. She went back to Covenant PCA this evening. When she gets back this evening we will watch on PBS Masterpiece. Carol goes back to work tomorrow night.
Tomorrow I once again volunteer at the local library used books store The Book Nook from 10 o'clock AM till 1 o'clock PM. I assume this new week will be a quiet one for me. I have no where I have to be and there is no wanting my attention. Life will go by like clock work for me unless something unknown befalls us in the following days.
I will close to read and wait it out. There is no way of escape.
brewer's blackbirds