Sunday Morning Book Update
Bible (NKJ)
'A Sunlit Absence: Silence, Awareness, and Contemplation' by Martin Laird
'Into The Silent Land: A Guide to the Christian Practice of Contemplation' by Martin Laird
'Rediscovering The Holy Spirit: God's Perfecting Presence in Creation, Redemption, and Everyday Life' by Michael Horton
'John' Interpreted by Early Christian and Medieval Commentators' [The Church's Bible] Bryan A. Stewart & Michael A. Thomas translators and editors
'Smiling through the Apocalypse: Esquire's History of the Sixties' Edited by Harold Hayes
'Unfabling The East: The Enlightenment's Encounter with Asia' by Jurgen Osterhammel Translated by Robert Savage
'The Transformation Of The World: A Global History Of The Nineteenth Century' by Jurgen Osterhammel Translated by Patrick Camiller
'Cultural Amnesia: Necessary Memories From History And The Arts' by Clive James (Dick Cavett & Sergei Diaghilev)
'An Adultery' a novel by Alexander Theroux
'The Assassin's Cloak: An Anthology Of The World's Great Diarists' Edited by Irene and Alan Taylor
'Orthodox Spirituality: A Practical Guide For The Faithful And A Definitive Manual For The Scholar' by Dumitru Staniloae Translated from the original Romanian by Archimandrite Jerome (Newville) and Otilia Kloos
from the New York Times Book Review 7/15/018 online edition
Michiko Katutani: By the Book
What book do you most like giving as a gift?
No one single book, but these are some of the books I’ve given multiple copies of to friends over the years: “Dispatches,” by Michael Herr; “Sleepless Nights,” by Elizabeth Hardwick; “The Shock of the New,” by Robert Hughes; “Out of Egypt,” by Andre Aciman; “A Brief History of Seven Killings,” by Marlon James; “The Emperor’s Last Island,” by Julia Blackburn; “White Noise,” by Don DeLillo; “City of Nets: A Portrait of Hollywood in the 1940s,” by Otto Friedrich; “Smiling Through the Apocalypse: Esquire’s History of the Sixties,” edited by Harold Hayes.