Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

  • Mood:

she had a demonic gleam in her eyes

It is in the ongoing death flow 10:27 AM Thursday morning. It is another hot day here in west Michigan. Carol worked last night so she is sleeping. Beth, Andy, and the grandchildren went to someone's house to swim in their pool this morning. I have been drinking coffee and looking through a pile of New Yorker magazines that our son Caleb left here yesterday for us to look through. When we are done with these old New Yorker magazines I will take them to the Book Nook to be sold. I came across a new book that looked interesting titled, 'Twentieth-Century Boy' a memoir by Duncan Hannah.

This morning I got up around 7:15 AM. When I came upstairs I found everyone up running around in a state of frenzy. I made a pot of coffee for Beth and Andy. I ate a doughnut and a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I went back down into the lower level to read News and to look at Book Nook. Oh I forgot to mention that last night I made a video for my Booktube channel and posted that video this morning.

I went to bed early last night and now it is another day. Beth said they should be back from swimming around 1 o'clock PM. So Time goes by.

I can't recall reading anything last night or yesterday right now. I am basically seeking to keep my head above water. I do not want to drown in the chaos going on all around me these hot summer days. I know in time peace we once again prevail.

I should go get ink for our printer but I am completely blown out. All I feel like doing is sitting in a state of shell shock. Get ready for another round of rockets to be blasted off into the center of existence.

Lou, Josie, & Marn


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