This morning I got up around 7:15 AM. When I came upstairs I found everyone up running around in a state of frenzy. I made a pot of coffee for Beth and Andy. I ate a doughnut and a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I went back down into the lower level to read News and to look at Book Nook. Oh I forgot to mention that last night I made a video for my Booktube channel and posted that video this morning.
I went to bed early last night and now it is another day. Beth said they should be back from swimming around 1 o'clock PM. So Time goes by.
I can't recall reading anything last night or yesterday right now. I am basically seeking to keep my head above water. I do not want to drown in the chaos going on all around me these hot summer days. I know in time peace we once again prevail.
I should go get ink for our printer but I am completely blown out. All I feel like doing is sitting in a state of shell shock. Get ready for another round of rockets to be blasted off into the center of existence.