Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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a slow train coming

It is in the death flow 12:16 PM Saturday afternoon. It is cold rainy day. I see hunks of ice falling from the sky this afternoon. These chunks of ice will crush cars this afternoon.

I am extremely tired this afternoon. I am tired due fighting this terrifying ice storm.

Carol and I both got up this morning around 7:20 AM. When we got up I made a pot of coffee and oatmeal for breakfast. After breakfast I messed with our main computer and then wrote in my paper diary.

Around 10:10 AM I left the house to pick up our coffee bean order and then to visit local thrift stores.

Not much else to report. This afternoon we are watching college football.

I did read this morning some of the book, 'Sanctification' by Michael Allen. Last night we watched taped television shows and went to bed around 10:25 PM.

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