Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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full delight in God's holy presence

It is 10:15 AM Thursday late morning. Here in West Michigan it is a cold sunny morning. This morning there was a layer of frost on the ground. Carol said she had to scrape off frost off her car windows when she got out of work this morning.

I am falling asleep as I write these words so I need to speed it up. I got up this morning around 6:15 AM. I got up made a pot of coffee and a pot of oatmeal for breakfast. I ate my oatmeal while messing with our main computer. After messing with our main computer I wrote in my paper diary and then read. I have been reading all morning from a book titled, 'Sanctification' by Michael Allen [New Studies In Dogmatics].

Carol got home from work this morning around 8:35 AM and has gone to bed for the day. She works tonight and then is off Friday and Saturday.

Last night I made a video and read till I went to bed around 11 o'clock PM. I got to close now because I am falling asleep.

Our son Josiah has been doing family research and one of my cousins sent him old family photos. Here is one of the photos of my mother Valeria. My mother was killed in a car wreck December 1968.

Valerie dress my mother

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