Travel the world from the comfort of your living room!
Part 1: Getting Ready
1. Inspiration - A favorite bookish character from TV or film. The character Hawkeye (Natty Bumppo) played by Daniel Day Lewis in the movie 'Last of the Mohicans'/novel 'The Last Of The Mohicans' a novel by James Fenimore Cooper
2. Travel Agent - A favorite author outside your demographics. Anthony Trollope a British writer. I recently got used a biography on Trollope titled, 'Anthony Trollope' by James Pope-Hennessy.
3. Destination - A favorite place to read about. I like reading books about America. I also like reading about Paris, New York City, and London. I am currently reading a book of American history titled, 'What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation Of America, 1815-1848' by Daniel Walker Howe [The Oxford History Of The United States].
4. Take Off - A book you read to 'travel' to a place you've never been. I have no desire to travel anywhere either physically or mentally. I like to read books about London England and Paris, France. I read this book recently and find myself picking up once in awhile 'The Other Paris' by Luc Sante. A couple of years ago I read a book on the city of London, England titled, 'London: A Biography' by Peter Ackroyd.
Part 2: Out and About
5. Sights - A reading spot you want to visit I do not have any reading spot I would want to visit. I like reading books inside our home. There have been times when I have enjoyed reading by Lake Michigan.
6. Tastes - A food or drink you first encountered in a book. William Burroughs & Allen Ginsberg, 'The Yage Letters Redux' telepathic-hallucinogenic-mind-expanding drug Yage (Ayahuasca, or Banisteriopsis Caapé) used by Amazon Indian doctors.
7. Locals - A favorite foreign-to-you character in a book. Eugene Eyestone favorite character in the novel 'Laura Warholic of, The Sexual Intellectual' by Alexander Theroux.
8. Sounds - A word or phrase you learned in a book (any language). 'Unfading Light: Contemplation and Speculations' by Sergius Bulgakov Translated, edited, and introduced by Thomas Allan Smith the phrase "the sophianicity of the creature".
9. Souvenir 1 - A favorite bookstore you've been to.
I like to visit Eeerdmans Bookstore in Grand Rapids Michigan when I am in the mood to buy Christian books. These though days I buy most of my Christian books online from Amazon because they are cheaper.
10. Souvenir 2 - A favorite library you've been to.
I do not have a favorite library. I really do not use libraries these days. My favorite library is my own library. I do like theological libraries like Calvin Theological Seminary library in Grand Rapids Mich..
Part 3: Coming Home
11. Reunion - A book you bought or read to learn more about your hometown.
I do not have a hometown. I have lived all over the United States. I do tell folks my hometown is San Francisco, California because I was born in Oakland California. I bought awhile back at a used books sale a book titled, 'Literary San Francisco: A Pictorial History from its Beginnings to the Present Day' by Lawrence Ferlinghetti & Nancy Peters.
12. Oops! - A book of yours that is on its own adventure (i.e., a book you loaned out that's never returned, or a book you lost/forgot somewhere). I do not loan books out to other people. I might have lost books over the years, but right now I can not remember any. I do have a story though of a book I once loaned to a woman many years ago when I was on staff at the Richmond Rescue Mission. Richmond California. I loaned this girl a third volume of a three volumes commentary on the whole Bible titled, "Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown's Commentary On the Whole Bible". I loaned the third volume to this girl because she was sexy and I wanted to impress her. To make a sad story short I never saw volume 3 of that biblical commentary again. Now I had a broken set of the three volume, 'Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown's Commentary On the Whole Bible'. This sad event happened around 1974 or 1975 and it taught me never to load out any of my books.
North FromThe DustyBookshelf
South Orpheus
West Mememtomori
East Blatantly Bookish
Books listed in this tag-
'The Last Of The Mohicans' a novel by James Fenimore Cooper
'Anthony Trollope' biography by James Pope-Hennessy
'What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation Of America, 1815-1848' by Daniel Walker Howe [The Oxford History Of The United States]
'The Other Paris' by Luc Sante
'London: A Biography' by Peter Ackroyd
'The Yage Letters Redux' by William Burroughs & Allen Ginsberg
'Laura Warholic of, The Sexual Intellectual' a novel by Alexander Theroux
'Unfading Light: Contemplation and Speculations' by Sergius Bulgakov Translated, edited, and introduced by Thomas Allan Smith
'Literary San Francisco: A Pictorial History from its Beginnings to the Present Day' by Lawrence Ferlinghetti & Nancy Peters
'Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown's Commentary On the Whole Bible' Three Volumes