If its stores of treasures you should obtain,
Would they not be useless and all in vain,
If your soul is lost?
Would they not be useless and all in vain,
If your soul is lost?
At your feet the world may no riches lay,
Will it matter much on the judgment day,
If you own a palace or hut of clay,
If your soul is lost?
Will it matter much on the judgment day,
If your soul is lost?
If the world should honor and fame bestow,
If uncounted millions your name should know,
How much would it help you down here below,
If your soul is lost?
How much would it help you down here below,
If your soul is lost?
In the race of sin you are running fast,
And the pleasures gained but a moment last;
How much will it profit when life is past,
If your soul is lost?
How much will it profit when life is past,
If your soul is lost?
"[36] For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36