Booktube Newbie Tag 2.0
1). What genres would you like to see talked about more on BookTube? Biographies, Letters, & Travel
2). What do you feel is the best way(s) to make friends on BookTube? The best way to make friends on BookTube is to comment on their videos if you find them thought provoking and life changing.
3). What will/ do you enjoy the most about making BookTube videos? What I like about making videos in BookTube is the activity of making them and then posting them. I like just sitting down and talking into a camera sharing my love for books and the Lord Jesus Christ.
4). What will/do you least look forward to when making BookTube videos? What I do not like about making videos in BookTube coming up with a subjects/topics for future videos.
5). What videos other than tags, TBR's, wrap-ups, reviews and recommendations would you want to see more of? I have no recommendations.
6). What are some themes you want to see more of or less of in books? I would like to see more videos in BookTube on Christian books especially books on biblical intrepretation.
7). What are some of your BookTube goals? I have no BookTube goals.
8).What advice would you give to a BookTuber that has just created their channel? My advice for new BookTuber is to make videos at least once a week no matter how you feel.
9). What are some qualities or traits that you look for when it comes to watching other BookTubers? When I search out new BookTubers I look for intelligence and if they are widely read in the fields of History, Art, Music, and Literature.
10). What is a fun fact about you or a hobby besides reading and writing that people on BookTube might not know you have? My hobby is Nature photography.