"Poet And Dancer" a novel by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
"New York Mosaic: Three Novels" by Isabel Bolton ("Do I Wake Or Sleep", "The Christmas Tree", & "Many Mansions")
"Pentimento" a memoir by Lillian Hellman
"Europe: A History" by Norman Davies
"The Stillborn God: Religion, Politics, And The Modern West" by Mark Lilla
"The Portable Veblen" a novel by Elizabeth McKenzie
"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" Science Fiction by Philip K. Dick
"Embracing Defeat: Japan In The Wake of World War II" by John W. Dower
"Istanbul: The Imperial City" by John Freely
"1919 America's Loss Of Innocence" by Eliot Asinof
"Memoirs Of A Bastard Angel" a memoir by Harold Norse
"Mad Girl's Love Song: Sylvia Plath And Life Before Ted" biography by Andrew Wilson
"After Rain" short stories by William Trevor
"The Sacred Pipe" Black Elk's Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux Recorded & Edited by Joseph Epes Brown
"Brunelleschi's Dome" How a Renaissance Genius Reinvented Architecture by Ross King
"Gertrude of Stony Island Avenue" a novel by James Purdy
"Whose Bible Is It? A History Of The Scriptures Through The Ages" by Jaroslav Pelikan