Carol and I both got up around 5:57 AM this morning. I hate this time changes, because I am always sleepy. What can't Time remain always the same? So we got up, Carol made a pot of coffee and I got a glass of water and walked over to the main computer to see what was going on in the world. After messing with our main computer I made for my wife and I a pot of oatmeal for breakfast. After breakfast Carol went to a class at the hospital and I wrote in my paper diary.
I have been basically wandering my cell, messing with our main computer, and reading from a book titled, "The Christian's Only Comfort In Life And Death: An Exposition of the Heidelberg Catechism" Volume 1 by Theodorus VanderGroe Translated by Bartel Elshout Edited by Joel R. Beeke.
I have no plans for the day. I will quietly drift through this day. Carol goes back to work tonight after being off four nights. Our lives keep speeding to the grave.
Yesterday we had a good time visiting with our oldest son Caleb, his wife Emily, and their daughter Josie Joy. They left around 5:30 PM for Grand Rapids.
Carol and I had a quiet evening and went to bed early. Now it is another day. Tomorrow around this time I expect to be at a Library Used Books Sale.
Well I suppose I will close to feel out of it. There is no way of escape. Trapped.