Dutch Puritan Books
"The Christian's Only Comfort In Life And Death: An Exposition of the Heidelberg Catechism" Volume 1 by Theodorus VanderGroe Translated by Bartel Ehshout Edited by Joel R. Beeke
"The Christian's Only Comfort In Life And Death: An Exposition of the Heidelberg Catechism" Volume 2 by Theodorus VanderGroe Translated by Bartel Ehshout Edited by Joel R. Beeke
"The Christian's Reasonable Service in which Divine Truths concerning the Covenant of Grace are Expounded, Defended against Opposing Parties, and their Practice Adovated as well as The Administration of this Covenant in the Old and New Testaments" by Wilhemus a Brakel FOUR VOLUMES Translated by Bartel Elshout
"The Path Of True Godliness" by Willem Teellinck Translated By Annemie Godbehere Edited By Joel R. Beeke [Classics of Reformed Spirituality]
"In Remembrance Of Him: Profiting From The Lord's Supper" by Guilelmus Saldenus & Wilhemus a Brakel Translated By Bartel Elshout Edited By James A. DeJong [Classics of Reformed Spirituality]
"A Spiritual Appeal To Christ's Bride" by Jodocus van Lodenstein Translated By Bartel Elshout Edited By Joel R. Beeke [Classics of Reformed Spirituality]
"The Marks Of God's Children" by Jean Taffin Translated By Peter Y. De Jong Edited by James A. De Jong [Classics of Reformed Spirituality]
"Spiritual Desertion" by Gisbertus Voetius & Johannes Hoornbeeck Translated By John Vriend & Harry Boonstra Edited By M. Eugene Osterhaven [Classics of Reformed Spirituality]
"The Practice Of Faith, Hope, And Love" by Godefridus Udemans Translated By Annemie Godbehere Edited By Joel R. Beeke [Classics of Reformed Spirituality]
"The True Christian's Love To The Unseen Christ" by Thomas Vincent (1634-1678) Foreword By John MacArthur
"The Mystery of Self-Deceiving" by Daniel Dyke (d.1614)
Reformation Heritage Books