I got up this morning around 6:30 AM. My wife had gotten up around 4 o'clock AM. She had gone to bed the night before around 8 o'clock PM. Carol was exhausted from babysitting our granddaughter Josie Joy.
I do not know where this day went? It came and it went like most of our days here on earth.
Right now Carol is at church and I have been sitting in our dining room reading. I plan to go to bed early tonight.
I will close to wait to go to bed. Tomorrow is a Monday. Carol plans to meet a friend tomorrow morning for breakfast.
Today I mainly read from a book titled, "Deep South: Four Seasons On Back Roads" a travel memoir by Paul Theroux. This morning Carol and I went downtown to Reader's World Bookstore to get some more Sunday newspapers. While at this bookstore I bought a book titled, "The Last Love Song: A Biography Of Joan Didion" biography by Tracy Daugherty.
I am going to close since I am wasted.