Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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only the bliss of a sudden exit

It is 6:25 PM Sunday night in the death flow. It has been a typical day for me. Not much happened today worth recording for world history. My life keeps zooming by full speed. Life goes too fast for me to get off and enjoy the sights.

I got up this morning around 6:30 AM. My wife had gotten up around 4 o'clock AM. She had gone to bed the night before around 8 o'clock PM. Carol was exhausted from babysitting our granddaughter Josie Joy.

I do not know where this day went? It came and it went like most of our days here on earth.

Right now Carol is at church and I have been sitting in our dining room reading. I plan to go to bed early tonight.

I will close to wait to go to bed. Tomorrow is a Monday. Carol plans to meet a friend tomorrow morning for breakfast.

Today I mainly read from a book titled, "Deep South: Four Seasons On Back Roads" a travel memoir by Paul Theroux. This morning Carol and I went downtown to Reader's World Bookstore to get some more Sunday newspapers. While at this bookstore I bought a book titled, "The Last Love Song: A Biography Of Joan Didion" biography by Tracy Daugherty.

I am going to close since I am wasted.

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