Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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beef fat

It is 11:40 AM Monday in the universal cosmic death flow. I see all the time death flowing by me. I am headed for the End. I had a beginning and I will have an end. I hope in the end to be in the New Creation with God, saints and the elect angels. We must not forget the angels of God. We are constantly surrounded by angels. We are always in the presence of a holy God. As a born again Christian I am indwelt by God the Holy Spirit. I am a temple of God.

I got up this morning around 7:15 AM. Carol had been up for a long time when I got up. She goes back to work tonight after being off four nights. Existence keeps zooming by like a jacket rabbit. When I got up I made a pot of oatmeal for breakfast and after breakfast we went grocery shopping and did errands. So has gone my morning. We will soon be in the afternoon hours.

Last night we watched professional football and went to bed early. I do not remember what I read last. Our oldest son and his family were here yesterday for supper and family time. They left for GR around 5:20 PM yesterday.

I have not read anything this morning. I am still feeling out it mentally. Well I will close to drift.

Nonie & Josie Joy
Nonie & Josie Joy

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