I got up this morning around 8 o'clock AM. When I got up I made myself a pot of coffee and ate a bowl of cereal. Next I went outside and shoveled snow off the walk way leading to our front door. Earlier this morning our plow man came and cleared our driveway of snow. I shoveled a path to our bird feeder and then threw out corn for the birds.
When I came inside the house after shoveling Carol arrived home from work. She went to bed around 9:30 AM. She goes back to work tonight.
I have done nothing this morning but wander the house and watch the snow fall. I am too wasted to read this morning.
There is not much else to report right now. I am not in the mood to watch professional football today.
Last night I made a video for my BookTube channel, listened to music and read. I went to bed my usual time. I started reading last night from a book titled, "How Should a Person Be?" a novel by Sheila Heti.
There is not much else to report so I will close to sit and wait it out.