Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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eating young cane shoots

It is 1:46 PM Saturday afternoon in the death flow. Outside today it has been snowing. Winter has arrived with all its stark horror once again.

I got up this morning around 5:59 AM. I got up made a pot of coffee and ate a bowl of cereal. After having a bowl of cereal I messed with our main computer. After I messed with our main computer I wrote in my paper diary and then I dozed till 8:10 AM. Carol got home from work around 8:35 AM and went to bed around 9:10 AM.

On Saturdays I volunteer at the Herrick Districk Public Library Used Books Store from 10 AM til 1 PM. The library book nook was not slow and not busy either. When not helping people I wandered the store and read from a book titled, "The Rise And Fall Of The British Empire" by Lawrence James (I have another book by Lawrence James titled, "Raj: The Making and Unmasking of British India".). I got home from the book nook around 1:10 PM. So goes the death flow. I am not in the mood to watch college football today. I plan to sit and do nothing. I might sit and doze this afternoon. I am in a terrible mood for some unknown reason. This recent Presidential election has greatly changed my perception of America and American Christianity. I do not want to be apart of America or the visible Church right now. I am sick of America and American Christianity. I am sick of this life. What can I do? I am trapped.

I will close to feel awful.

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