Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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the messianic kingdom

It is 9:24 AM Tuesday morning in the death flow. Outside this morning the sun is shining and the wind is howling. We have had 40 mile hour winds today. All night tree branches smashed against our house and scared me. I do not fall asleep till sometime around Midnight last night.

Right now the builders are here tearing out our old kitchen. Carol has come home from work and gone to bed for the day.

I was up this morning around 7 o'clock AM. I got up to face the day with saving grace beating in my heart. I ate two plastic waffles for breakfast. I washed down the waffles with old coffee made last night.

I messed with our main computer and then I wrote in my paper diary. The builders showed up around 8:15 AM this morning to start remodeling our kitchen.

I made a fresh pot of coffee and have been reading for morning devotions the book, "The Day The Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus's Crucifixion" by N.T. Wright.

So the morning flows by.

Last night I made a BookTube video and read some more of the novel, "The Castaway Lounge" by Jon Boilard. I read also yesterday the book, "The Village: A History Of Greenwich Village" 400 Years Of Beats And Bohemians, Radicals And Rogues by John Strausbaugh.

Well I will close to face the wreckage.

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