Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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the Ashcan school of social realism

It is 2:53 PM Friday afternoon in the death flow. It is a cold sunny day here by Lake Michigan. A good day to go turkey hunting or speed boat racing.

I am extremely weary today. I am running on empty these days. I am dragging my butt through space and time.

I got up this morning around 6:25 AM. My wife was already up if I remember correctly. I made us oatmeal for breakfast and after breakfast I messed with our main computer and then wrote in my paper diary. I read some of the book, "The Day The Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus's Crucifixion" by N.T. Wright this morning. The rest of the morning I dozed in the easy chair in the living room.

Carol wanted to go get wooden shoes for Margaret and then take a walk at Hemlock Crossing Park. So we did that this morning and we got home around 1 o'clock PM.

Hemlock Crossing Park

In the mail I received a book from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary titled, "The Beauty And Glory Of God's Word" Edited By Joel R. Beeke. Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is always sending me free books.

There is not much else to write this afternoon since I am feeling absolutely wasted so I will close.

I just remembered on the way home from Hemlock Crossing Park we stopped at a thrift store. I found one used book to ADD to our library titled, "Station Eleven" a novel by Emily St. John Mandel.

Hemlock Crossing

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