Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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Big Books

It is in the flow of existence 8:48 PM Thursday night. I am down in the lower level (our open basement) talking to myself. My wife went to bed so I am alone with you know who Me! It is OK since I am use to being alone with me. Well in a certain sense I am never alone. I remember these words from the Gospel of Matthew, "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen." Matthew 28:20.

I came down here to list the big books (books with over a 1000 pages) I showed in a video I made this evening for my BookTube channel. I had to do something to kill some time.

A list of the books mentioned in the video I made tonight for my BookTube channel-

"God Has Spoken: A History Of Christian Theology" by Gerald Bray

"A Suitable Boy" a novel by Vikram Seth

"Collected Poems 1947-1999" Allen Ginsberg

"The Transformation Of The World: A Global History Of The Nineteenth Century" by Jurgen Osterhammel Translated by Patrick Camiller

"The Unabridged Edgar Allen Poe"

"Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years" by Diarmaid MacCulloch

"Adolf Hitler" a Biography by John Toland

In this video I also mentioned these books in passing-

"The Last Days Of Hitler" by H.R. Trevor-Roper

"Hitler: A Study In Tyranny" by Alan Bullock

"George Mills" a novel by Stanley Elkin

"Mrs. Ted Bliss" a novel by Stanley Elkin

"Stanley Elkin's Greatest Hits" Stories

"Concluding" a novel by Henry Green

"Diary of a Drug Fiend" a novel by Aleister Crowley

I do not think I mentioned in other books in my most recent BookTube video. I am trying to make a BookTube video every 24 hours.

Today I mainly read the novel "George Mills" by Stanley Elkin. I did mow our lawn this afternoon. I really did not do much else today. I tend to just drift through the days. I am not into the world.

Well I suppose I will close to wait to go to bed. Tomorrow is a Friday. There is no way out.

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