I have had thus far a typical morning. I was up around 6:30 AM this morning. I woke up feeling drained of life force. I made myself a pot of coffee and a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. After breakfast I messed with our main computer and then wrote in my paper diary. Next I read from the book, "The Shattered Lantern: Rediscovering A Felt Presence of God" by Ronald Rolheiser. After reading this book for awhile I sat in our living room and listened to the music of K.F.R. VOID.
Carol got home around 9 o'clock AM and has gone to bed to sleep for awhile. She is off the next two nights from work. Our oldest son Caleb and his baby daughter Josie are coming over this afternoon for a visit. Caleb's wife Emily is in Boston Mass for a wedding.
Not much else to report this morning. Last night I made a video for my BookTube channel and read till bedtime from a book titled, "The Glory Of The Empire A Novel, A History" by Jean D'Ormesson. Now it is a new week, the last week of June 2016. Our lives are zooming by. We will soon all be dead meat.
Well I suppose I will close to have another cup of coffee and wait for it to happen. I am not going anywhere.