Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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Friday Reads

Books mentioned in this BookTube video-

"Dangerous Passions, Deadly Sins: Learning From The Psychology Of Ancient Monks" by Dennis Okholm

"The Epistle to the Romans" '[The New International Greek Testament Commentary] by Richard N. Longenecker

"The Ascent Of Mount Carmel" by St. John of the Cross

"The Glory Of The Empire A Novel, A History" by Jean D'Ormesson [Translated from the French by Barbara Bray]

"The Shattered Lantern: Rediscovering A Felt Presence Of God" by Ronald Rolheiser

"Desiring God: Meditations of A Christian Hedonist" by John Piper

"Clinging to the Wreckage: Another Part Of Life" a memoir by John Mortimer

"The Rapstone Chronicles: Paradise Postponed & Titmuss Regained" fiction by John Mortimer

"Confederates in the Attic: Dispatches from the Unfinished Civil War" by Tony Horwitz

"Poor Mouth" a novel by Flann O'Brien

"Nomads and Crusaders A.D. 1000-1368" Medieval History by Archibald R. Lewis

"The Men in My Life" a memoir by James D. Houston

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