Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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the great last hope

It is now in the death flow 12:34 PM Tuesday afternoon. I left my cell to get some cash and then to visit near by thrift stores to search for used books to add to our library. I found these used books today-

"A Place In The World Called Paris" Edited by Steven Barclay/Illustrated By Miles Hyman/Foreword by Susan Sontag Paris, As Seen By The Twentieth Century's Greatest Writers

"Ruin the Sacred Truths: Poetry and Belief from the Bible to the Present" literary study by Harold Bloom

"Tracks" a novel by Louise Erdrich

"The Painted Bird" Poems by Donald Hall

I received in the mail this afternoon a book I had ordered titled, "Nazi Literature In The Americas" by Roberto Bolano [Translated from the Spanish by Chris Andrews].

There is not much else to report. Outside it is raining and I will close to wait for the End.


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