Crooked Finger (crookedfingers) wrote,
Crooked Finger

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the value of a life wholly taken up with God

It is in the flow 8:54 AM Friday morning here in West Michigan. Outside this morning it is cold and gray. We are suppose to get rain and snow showers today. I am thankful we had a mild winter thus far.

I got up this morning around 5:50 AM. Carol went and got her blood drawn and then we went out for breakfast. When we got back from going out for breakfast I wrote in my paper diary and have been dozing in the living room easy chair. I can't seem to wake up this morning. I feel like a ton of cow dung this morning. I am thinking of going back to bed sometime today.

Last night I read once again the novel "The Good Apprentice" a novel by Iris Murdoch. I also started reading a new book I received in the mail yesterday titled, "Living on Paper: Letters From Iris Murdoch 1934-1995" Edited By Avril Horner & Anned Rowe.

Carol got home from a Woman's Bible Study around 9 o'clock PM. We went to bed around 10 o'clock PM.

music Andy Stott 'Faith In Strangers'

Now it is a Friday a garbage day. Carol works tonight and tomorrow night. My life is flowing by. No way of escape. "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in the body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest in your consciences" 2 Corinth. 5:10,11.

All I have attempted to read this morning is the book "Alone with God" by Dom Jean Leclercq Preface By Thomas Merton. (I have this book by Thomas Merton in my main study, "Contemplative Prayer". I have many books by Merton in our Christian library.)

I have no plans for the day ahead of me. I will read my books and pray. "Pray without ceasing" 1 Thess. 5:17.

I will close to read these books as I wait for the end of the American Empire-

"Contemplative Prayer" by Thomas Merton

"Alone with God" by Dom Jean Leclercq

"Holy Wisdom Or Directions for the Prayer of Contemplation" by Ven. Father F. Augustin Baker

"Following the Footsteps of the Invisible: The Complete Works of Diadochus of Photike" Introduction, Translation, and Notes by Cliff Ermatinger

"Carthusian Spirituality: The Writings Of Hugh of Balam And Guigo De Ponte" [The Classics of Western Spirituality]

The day will go by.

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