- 1st
- 08:47 am December 2019 Diary
- 10:18 am the burden of the old capitalist bourgeois decadent Adam - 2 comments
- 2nd
- 03:03 pm they have been united with pure knowledge
- 05:48 pm Misþyrming - "Algleymi" (Full Album)
- 08:10 pm Monday Reads & New Books 2020
- 08:17 pm I Was A Wandering Sheep
- 3rd
- 12:30 pm The Wisdom of the Old Ones
- 05:25 pm A Used Books Haul
- 4th
- 01:25 pm enjoying God
- 01:51 pm Cora, Josie, & Noni making cookies
- 5th
- 11:28 am Thursday Reads
- 11:43 am hawk
- 01:52 pm to be illumined passively without active effort
- 6th
- 05:40 pm page 1000 2019 Diary
- 07:14 pm Kirk Park Lake Michigan
- 07:49 pm the elevation of a soul from its low state to divine union - 2 comments
- 7th
- 10:10 am there is more than one history of the world - 1 comment
- 8th
- 11:26 am self in cyberspace - 3 comments
- 06:59 pm Sunday Reads
- 9th
- 02:35 pm there is within you a secret communion always going on - 2 comments
- 03:53 pm A New Book & Monday Reads
- 11th
- 11:18 am Christless Christianity - Michael Horton
- 11:49 am a transformative process of growth towards God
- 03:51 pm Gospel Snippets: Unless You Are Converted
- 10:38 pm Frail Body "Cold New Home"
- 12th
- 09:54 am Christ alone exalted
- 10:42 am morning reads
- 05:31 pm Christ Alone Exalted
- 14th
- 12:00 pm Fenniville Library Used Books Haul
- 03:25 pm Josie, Carol, & Cora
- 15th
- 08:28 am December 21, 1968 - 8 comments
- 10:22 am My Wife's Fennville Library Used Books Haul
- 12:52 pm a new covenant in Christ
- 16th
- 02:42 pm a new ontology
- 02:59 pm the power of the Lord Jesus is present
- 03:33 pm Sun of the Dying - The Earth is Silent (Full Album Stream)
- 17th
- 08:16 am page 1035 2019 Diary
- 11:09 am the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
- 18th
- 02:10 pm religion for atheists
- 04:09 pm Yellow Eyes (US) - Rare Field Ceiling (Full Album 2019)
- 05:13 pm cardinal
- 19th
- 03:51 pm Cheap Stacks Used Books Haul
- 11:05 pm Meet the Booktuber Tag
- 20th
- 09:52 am Cheapstacks Used Books Haul
- 03:04 pm Russian October Revolution
- 04:33 pm Nocturnal Departure - Cathartic Black Rituals (Full Album)
- 10:10 pm Friday Reads & Used Books Haul
- 21st
- 07:47 am Greet Death "Crush" - 2 comments
- 10:44 am the blessings of Abraham
- 11:24 pm What I Have Been Reading
- 23rd
- 08:34 am Christmas 2019
- 03:10 pm Crime Fiction
- 24th
- 07:56 am Paths - In Lands Thought Lost (Full Album)
- 01:15 pm the doctrine of historical materialism
- 04:45 pm Misþyrming - "Algleymi" (Full Album)
- 25th
- 11:19 am Meet The Book Tuber Tag - 2 comments
- 11:40 am atmosphere of metaphysical sickness
- 03:43 pm page 1058 2019 Diary
- 04:57 pm Classic Crime Fiction
- 26th
- 12:16 pm the new aesthetic of naturalism
- 27th
- 03:23 pm we can never love God too much
- 28th
- 11:00 am The Blank Generation
- 06:47 pm The Battle Of Britain
- 29th
- 10:53 am a self-denying heart
- 11:01 am Used Books Haul
- 03:50 pm Ulvdalir - ...of Death Eternal (Full Album)
- 30th
- 02:51 pm The Book Of Kells
- 04:28 pm Christ precious as a tree of life
- 31st
- 07:49 am Books Read During The Year 2019
- 10:42 am the Year 2020
- 06:41 pm preparing my 2020 paper diary